Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Long Distance Relationship And Breaking Up

I found an article from my friend's blog.Quite interesting story.

"Me and my high school sweetheart were together for about 2 years. We broke up 2 years ago. The reason.. I'm staying where I am now, and he's leaving for his studies. It would take about 6 years to complete his studies in KL and US. We broke up before he left, it was his idea. He mentioned about us going different paths, and would not see each other for a long time. He did not give me any promises to wait for us to graduate or ask me to wait for him, although I wished that he could at least ask.

He's more mature than me, and maybe he knows that he can't 'tie' me since he's not sure about his future, if our long-distanced relationship would survive. Actually I don't mind waiting for him at all, but I never told him that. I didn't want to give him any burden when he needs full concentration on studies. He told me that if we're really meant for each other, even the east and west can't separate us.
When we broke up, he told me he wants to focus on his studies and would not think of having any girlfriend yet.

I took it as a promise he gave that he would want me back someday if he wants to be romantically involved with someone again someday. We were each other's first love, and the only love until now.
I missed him a lot in these 2 years after we broke up. Sometimes I just wonder if he misses me too. We accidentally bumped into each other last December when he was back from KL and it really caught me off guard. We were both shocked. Not even knowing what to say. I wished so much that he would talk to me, but he didn't. (Well, I didn't take the chance start a conversation too.) On my birthday, he would send me an sms and wish me Happy Birthday.

I was really thrilled and that was the only present I wanted.
So, I sent him an email, telling him how I felt when I met him that day. I told him I didn't email him or call him or find him in msn because I'm not sure if he feels comfortable that way. But today, he sent me an offline message saying that he read my email and he told me to drop by anytime when i wanna chat, he said he doesn't mind. I don't know if he has already gotten over me, but one thing I'm sure is that I still like him, and part of my heart is telling me to wait for him. I've never met anyone that makes me feels the same way after we broke up. I've tried to get over him again and again, but sometimes I still believe there's possibilities that we would be together again someday. I keep reminding myself that he's just being friendly, and it has nothing to do with any other special feelings. But I couldn't persuade myself. What do you think about my story?

Is it very silly of me not to tell him that I wanted to wait for him? Or I shouldn't even be waiting at all? It was really tough for me for the first half year after we broke up, because I agreed the break very unwillingly, although knowing the reason is really reasonable. It's the best for us."

I really feel that this girl very stupid. I don't understand why she wan break up at the beginning. Just go other state study , that all only. Not mean that he will never come back. And that day he also came back and met with her.

Study just a reason to lie each other. If he really is mature, then he should know that love and study can be separately handle. And she should let him know exactly what she felt with him. Maybe the result wont be same anymore.

I very 佩服 the girl also, can wait untill 2 years after the break.

1 comment:

  1. haha maybe diff ppl diff opinion on relationship and studies. what u said oso correct. maybe they feel jz puppy love onli. some ppl say long distance is hard to maintain.
