Saturday, February 28, 2009

Kampar life

I go to kampar celebrate valentine with my gf
Let me briefly introduce my gf . Since some of u may not know who is she yet . Her name is Ang Shee Wei, and she is my gf . That all ! Haha, that is my "briefly introduce" . Aiyo, striaght away show u all pic...
Me and my gf

I start my long ride to kampar at 8.45 and i reach after 4 hours, quite a long journey.
When i reach there, i cant believe i met him- Long Jian. Just know his last name. Is such a small world. His gf and and my gf live at the same hostel. He also went there to celebrate valentine with his gf. At that nite ,we all together went to hotel eat steambot...
My gf and me

Me and Long Jian

wah... delicious.... actually so so only.....

After the steambot ,we all went to the lake side "jalan jalan" because the stomach is overloaded. About 11.30pm, we went back to hostel. Is such a fun day, 1st time celebrate valentine with another couple, quite interesting.

The fun part end so fast, and the sad part comes. I have to go back penang at tues... I really very enjoy staying at there. Although have no place to go, but as long as my gf be my side, that enuf for me! Sound very "gili" izzit? Haha... Bo huat, this is exactly what i feel .


  1. Haha... Like writing dairy... trip @ Kampar... lol... :b

  2. yala... coz sien nothing do ma write diary lo...
    you should write also

  3. My fren, y suddenly write blog pula. Not really ur type ler. Haha!! U should hv describe how does kampar looks wat. only describe u and ur gf nia. Swt!! Hehe!! Anyway, enjoy ur long holidayla.

  4. kampar nothing speacial except my gf.... so ma write her looo...
    tio si becoz of holiday i only write blog... to spend my time...
    You tio good la , can study can exam. I wan also cant have er... wakaka

  5. Swt!!! Suan me pula. Come back here la...... U me n khong can play "cho tai di" here. Wahaha!!!

  6. dun wan laa.. you also lose 1... play liao pun "bo ghian"...haha
