Saturday, February 28, 2009

Every Month 28

Today is my parent 27 wedding anniversary ,and also the day of me and my gf anniversary,so coincidence.

We been together already 3 years and a month, izzit very long already? For me is very long liao, cause i saw mostly people just date for a few month then break.

But i feel the people who dating at these age will certainly be longer. I always question myself, would i able to continue till wedding? Old? Forever? My heart is like that think, but i saw so many sad cases , even dating 9 years also can break.

Other couple that lovely than me also can break, really anything also possible. So this question bother me some time already.

Today keep on thinking,finally end up a solution. That is I have to make myself clear that i have to continue love her and i will no matter what happen. This sounds fake for you all, even myself also feel fake. But I know that if i didn't do anything, i sure loose everything include her.

So i need tell myself everyday that i will continue love my gf-Ang Shee Wei

Love You Forever!!!

I guess some of u also facing the same dilemma as me,hope my thinking will help you. Or maybe you have the better solution then can tell me. Just share your opinion.

Hope you all wont sick of reading my 心事 =)


  1. 一切随缘。做好自己就好了。同时,祝福你们俩。。。。。。

  2. abang... where ur blog...
    know u many 道理 eh...
    must write more

  3. Inggeris saya tak baik la. Tak nak tulis blog la. Tak tahu nak tulis apa pun. Bagi komen kepada orang enouf la. Keke!!!

  4. sam tio si sam... so lazy ... haha.. I didnt notice that i got a friend is malay...
