Saturday, February 28, 2009

Every Month 28

Today is my parent 27 wedding anniversary ,and also the day of me and my gf anniversary,so coincidence.

We been together already 3 years and a month, izzit very long already? For me is very long liao, cause i saw mostly people just date for a few month then break.

But i feel the people who dating at these age will certainly be longer. I always question myself, would i able to continue till wedding? Old? Forever? My heart is like that think, but i saw so many sad cases , even dating 9 years also can break.

Other couple that lovely than me also can break, really anything also possible. So this question bother me some time already.

Today keep on thinking,finally end up a solution. That is I have to make myself clear that i have to continue love her and i will no matter what happen. This sounds fake for you all, even myself also feel fake. But I know that if i didn't do anything, i sure loose everything include her.

So i need tell myself everyday that i will continue love my gf-Ang Shee Wei

Love You Forever!!!

I guess some of u also facing the same dilemma as me,hope my thinking will help you. Or maybe you have the better solution then can tell me. Just share your opinion.

Hope you all wont sick of reading my 心事 =)

Most Scary Creature On Earth??

What is the most scary creature on earth? For me, my answer is HUMAN!!!
Why i say so, because gone through all these year, quite a number of people are "double face".!! And the other face are very scary, will eat you any moment.

No offence. I'm not saying u all, just some of the other people , or maybe is u also, who knows? Just wanna share my experience to you all.
Trust me, a really good friend are always hard to find. For some that have a lot friend , don't think that all friend with you are very good, they will let u get into a trap any moment. Maybe most of you already understand all these thing, i just to remind those who still blur blur.

For my opinion, really must very careful in making friend. Some of friend are really helpful to you but some always give you trouble. Don't put too much feeling on a friend relationship, because some person are very emotional. Once they found out that his/her friend betray them, then they will do stupid thing like revenge or what.

Friend just friend , don't too mind what they said and how they treat you. If the friend betray you then u should be thankful , thanks for letting you know the true of him/her early. So pull yourself out of the relationship as fast as possible before any more harmful things happen.

And some of the people are too smart. Till the end of your life also wont know your friend betray you. I know an effective way too prevent all these thing happen. Not 100% la, but will help also. Is watch more drama about these kind of things, you may learn from it. For me is very usefull la..!

Of cause i not 100% a good friend to you all, but also got 99.9% laaa..Haha, joking la. Of cause some will feel i'm not a good friend. Well, it depend on you all, i'm ok with that. Hope you all enjoying what i wrote. Some may feel i writting rubbish. Haha. All of you are please to leave a comment , share any idea that you have.

Kampar life

I go to kampar celebrate valentine with my gf
Let me briefly introduce my gf . Since some of u may not know who is she yet . Her name is Ang Shee Wei, and she is my gf . That all ! Haha, that is my "briefly introduce" . Aiyo, striaght away show u all pic...
Me and my gf

I start my long ride to kampar at 8.45 and i reach after 4 hours, quite a long journey.
When i reach there, i cant believe i met him- Long Jian. Just know his last name. Is such a small world. His gf and and my gf live at the same hostel. He also went there to celebrate valentine with his gf. At that nite ,we all together went to hotel eat steambot...
My gf and me

Me and Long Jian

wah... delicious.... actually so so only.....

After the steambot ,we all went to the lake side "jalan jalan" because the stomach is overloaded. About 11.30pm, we went back to hostel. Is such a fun day, 1st time celebrate valentine with another couple, quite interesting.

The fun part end so fast, and the sad part comes. I have to go back penang at tues... I really very enjoy staying at there. Although have no place to go, but as long as my gf be my side, that enuf for me! Sound very "gili" izzit? Haha... Bo huat, this is exactly what i feel .

Friday, February 27, 2009


I'm a very poor jobless person now... Non of the company wan to accept me for training.. Izzit my result too low..? So i decide to go library borrow book to improve myself.. But end up by throw the book a side to "keep" dust... Now in the middle of holiday where got mood to study leh..?

So i everyday just repeat all the action over and over again.... wake up->bath->eat->watch movie->play game->bath->eat-> watch movie-> play game-> sleep..........................Really sick of this life.. !!But still lasy to find job... End up starting to write this blog... somemore duno wat to write... Now i think my gf is in the middle of test now, wish she can done it well...